Antonio D'Almeida Lino
Training Coordinator and Manager
Degree in Civil Engineering, Gemologist of reference in Portugal and abroad for his Expertise work, Classification and Evaluation of gemological materials with high degree of analysis difficulty.
Vice president -ACADIP(2018-2019)
Association of Diamond and Precious Stones Traders and Appraisers.
Skills Technics and Specialties
Specialist in polished and rough diamonds, Master in corundums (rubies, sapphires), beryls (emeralds, aquamarine) and organic substances (Pearls), developed and created the first teaching books_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in Portuguese, on the development of classical gemology up to most recent and advanced techniques_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5cf-deanalysis.
Lecturer at the XII Journeys of Santa Bárbara, Instituto Superior Técnico | Lisbon 2017 Theme "Diamond in the Rough";
Lecturer at the 1st Iberian Goldsmith Conference | Viana do Castelo, 2012 Theme "The Emerald from Truth to Fraud";
For 5 years Professor functions, Coordinator and Manager of gemological training at IGP.
Developed consulting projects at the Lisbon Diamond Cutting Center - Sodiamantes, Sociedade Industrial e Comercial de Diamantes SA.
Active driver in creating conditions for certification and control relative to the start of the “Kimberley Process” in Portugal.
Accumulates the professional title "Expert-Classifier-Evaluator of Rough Diamonds", conferred by Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.

Team of Trainers